Red Kubes


Conceptual illustrations

Red Kubes


Conceptual illustrations

editorial illustration of challenges with kubernetes K8S Otomi Red Kubes - illustrator Carmen Nutbey
editorial illustration of challenges with kubernetes K8S Otomi Red Kubes - illustrator Carmen Nutbey

Kubernetes, Otomi & K8s

Conceptual illustrations

Series of corporate illustrations in commission by Red Kubes. These editorial illustrations are visually explanations about Kubernetes or K8s and platform Otomi.

client of dutch editorial redactioneel illustrator Carmen Nutbey Amsterdam Nederland

ClientRed KubesYear2021ProjectKubernetes & OtomiDeliveryConceptual illustrationsRoleEitorlal IllustratorToolsAdobe Illustrator

Complex content illustrations?Contact Carmen Nutbey

Redactioneel of conceptueel illustratie thema / redactionele of conceptuele illustrator