City of Amsterdam

Mural passage Ravensteinstraat

Mural muralpainting muurschildering amsterdam carmen nutbey illustrator artist ravensteinstraat holendrecht reigersbos

#3 Ravensteinstraat

Carmen Nutbey created an overal muralpainting concept and design of 4 passages around shoppingcenter Holendrecht. The first 3 tunnels are wrapped. Overal concept is the visual language in colours and shapes. Every passage has its own elements in shape matching with the setting.

Passage Ravensteinstraat is situated near water and nearby the market. Shapes of flora and fauna and vegatable are linked to them. The last mural in the center of shopping center Holendrecht (Metro station Reigersbos) includes all shapes. That mural is not painted yet (maybe in near future it will).

Mural muralpainting muurschildering amsterdam carmen nutbey illustrator artist ravensteinstraat holendrecht reigersbos

#3 Ravensteinstraat

Carmen Nutbey created an overal muralpainting concept and design of 4 passages around shoppingcenter Holendrecht. The first 3 tunnels are wrapped. Overal concept is the visual language in colours and shapes. Every passage has its own elements in shape matching with the setting.

Passage Ravensteinstraat is situated near water and nearby the market. Shapes of flora and fauna and vegatable are linked to them. The last mural in the center of shopping center Holendrecht (Metro station Reigersbos) includes all shapes. That mural is not painted yet (maybe in near future it will).

muural Muurschildering Onderdoorgang tunnel Reigersbos Amsterdam - Illustrator Ontwerper visual designer Artist Carmen Nutbey
Mural muralpainting muurschildering amsterdam carmen nutbey illustrator artist ravensteinstraat holendrecht reigersbos
Mural muralpainting muurschildering amsterdam carmen nutbey illustrator artist ravensteinstraat holendrecht reigersbos
Mural muralpainting muurschildering amsterdam carmen nutbey illustrator artist ravensteinstraat holendrecht reigersbos
muural Muurschildering Onderdoorgang tunnel Reigersbos Amsterdam - Illustrator Ontwerper visual designer Artist Carmen Nutbey

Work in progress: muralpainting passage Ravensteinstraat, Amsterdam.
#muralist #wallpainting

More murals

Around shoppingcenter Holendrecht

Mural #1


Mural #2


ClientCity of AmsterdamCommissionerBrightUpYear2020 - 2021ProjectMurals passages around shoppingcenter HolendrechtDeliveryConcept & RealisationMaterialKeim durable mineral paintRoleConceptual illustrator, Artist